Škoda Auto India has announced the introduction of compact SUV, the Kylaq at prices starting ₹7,89,000 (ex-showroom). With this the company has reentered the sub 4 meters passenger vehicle segment to attract new customers into its fold. Bookings will open from December 2.

Klaus Zellmer, CEO, Škoda Auto said, “The Škoda Kylaq is our first sub 4m SUV, designed in India and for India as a new entry point to our brand. India is key to our internationalisation plans, the world’s third-largest car market, and SUVs make up 50% of new vehicle sales.” 

“We want the Kylaq to welcome new customers who are looking in this popular and fast-growing segment,” he added.

Published - November 06, 2024 10:13 pm IST